All-Rid Pest & Termite, Inc. offers a wide variety of pest control programs for all types of structures.
Residential Quarterly Service is our most popular program and we have designed 4 packages to meet your specific needs.
Basic Choice Pest program offers coverage for American & Oriental Roaches (excluding German Roaches), Crickets, Spiders (non-venomous), Ground Beetles, Wasp Nests, Scorpions, Pill Bugs, Centipedes, Earwigs, Sow Bugs and Millipedes.
Ultimate Pest Plus program covers all insects in Basic Choice package plus Brown Recluse, Black Widow Spiders, Pantry Pests (Indian Meal Moths), Weevils, Silverfish.
Premier Pest program covers all insects in Basic Choice, Ultimate Plus and includes Odorous House Ants, Argentine Ants, and Fire Ants (inside house only).
Premier Pest w/ Termite Protection covers all insects in listed packages above plus the revolutionary Sentricon Termite System installed at your home to give you 24/7 protection from termites (installation fees apply based on linear footage).